One of the most frequently asked questions by our customers is how to get to Galicia in order to start the Camino de Santiago or to visit Galicia. In this section, you’ll find useful information about the different means of transport that connect the main cities of Galicia with the other Spanish and European cities. An important point to take into consideration when booking your transport is that most of the paths of the Way of Saint James end in Santiago de Compostela so it’s a good returning point after completing any of the routes of the Camino de Santiago.
One of the easiest and fastest ways to arrive in Galicia is by plane. Galicia has 3 airports that have connections with the different Spanish cities and with the most important international airports.
- The Lavacolla airport is located in Santiago de Compostela. It’s the one that has the greater number of passengers at the moment and the best located if you wish to do the French Way in Galicia starting from O Cebreiro or Sarria. It’s also the most central airport if you wish to make trips around Galicia.
- The Alvedro airport is located in A Coruña. It’s the closest airport if you wish to do the English Way that starts in Ferrol, the Northern Way if you wish to start from Ribadeo and also the Primitive Way starting from A Fonsagrada.
- The Peinador airport is located in Vigo. It’s located 20 minutes from Tui, the town from where starts the Portuguese Path in Galicia. It’s also the attractions for the visitors of our region.
Another option is to arrive in Galicia by train from the main Spanish cities using the railway transport company Renfe. There are connections with Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Lugo, Ourense, Pontevedra, Vigo and Ferrol.
If you wish to complete the last 100 kilometres of the French Way of the Camino de Santiago from Sarria there’s a direct train from Madrid.
It’s also possible to reach Galicia by bus from the major Spanish cities as there are connections between the most important ones of the region and Spain. Furthermore, we rely on an extensive local service network with bus stops connecting the different towns together. The principal bus companies that provide service in Galicia are Alsa, Monbus and Freire.
There are several access routes to reach Galicia by road. The A-8 motorway connects Galicia with Northern Spain and Europe and the A-6 and A-52 connect Madrid and Southern Spain with the main Galician cities.
In Santiago de Compostela you can leave your car in the different car parks located in the town centre which allows you to use the public or private transport so you can move to the many points of the Galician geography.
At Galician Roots we also offer custom private transfers from any point of the Spanish geography, we have a wide range of vehicles adapted to your needs in order to take you to any starting point of the Camino de Santiago or to any other city or location of Galicia.
If you start your Camino de Santiago from Sarria we can, for instance, pick you up at the airport of Santiago or the town centre and transfer you to your accommodation in Sarria. If you arrive at any other place or start your travel from any other spot do not hesitate to contact us and we will send you a personalized quote.