An unusual situation has occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic and as a consequence, there’s a travel ban including the Camino de Santiago. The coronavirus and its quick spread worldwide has forced the governments to close the borders and cancel flights between the different countries affected.
Given the situation, the Camino de Santiago has also been affected by closing hotels, guesthouses, hostels, restaurants and shops. Other services related to the Camino de Santiago such as the luggage transfer have suspended their activities too.
The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and the pilgrim’s reception office have taken the proper preventive measures closing its doors from 13th March until further notice. This battle against the pandemic can only be won by cutting contact and social relations, this is why as pilgrims loving the Camino de Santiago we must stay at home and think about resuming our plans sooner rather than later.
At Galician Roots we are optimistic and we know that when this is all over we will emerge stronger than before. Meanwhile, we will continue to work in order to improve our services for 2021 when is celebrated the Holy Year, the Jubilee Year, guaranteeing the security of our customers taking all the appropriate measures.
 However, we are aware that both as a society and as individuals we’ll change.  Remaining confined for such a long time will make us appreciate what really matters in this busy and turbulent world and that we often forget; lunch with friends, a hug with your loved ones and a walk outdoors.
 In this sense hiking lovers and particularly in the Camino de Santiago we have the advantage that this activity is done surrounded by nature, minimising the risk of infection compared to another type of touristic trips with people crowded.
 The Camino de Santiago will always be there and soon we’ll be walking through its beautiful landscapes enjoying its people and the great pilgrim atmosphere that characterizes it. So when this is all over don’t forget to support domestic tourism.


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